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Swimming pools provide an abundance of good times and lasting memories, and the pool purchase process itself can be fun and memorable. While characteristics like features and pool design are important, you also want to be sure you buy a pool that provides a lifetime of worry-free ownership. At Leisure Pools, we stand behind the quality and construction of our pools and offer a lifetime structural warranty and lifetime structural osmosis warranty. Learn more about why these warranties make our pools not just pools…but Super Pools.

Leisure Pools have Super Strength

We can produce our pools with our Composite Armour technology–a revolutionary new technology in composite fibreglass swimming pool manufacturing. This patented technology is designed to significantly reinforce the composite swimming pool with a strategically integrated laminate that consists of a blend of DuPont™ Kevlar®, Carbon Fiber and Basalt Fiber. We call it our Core of Strength. By using Composite Armour™ in the pool shell laminate, Leisure Pools has been able to achieve tremendous improvement in flexural and tensile strength compared with normally constructed fiberglass pools. Leisure Pools’ patented Composite Armour™ is available for the entire Leisure Pools range of swimming pools.

Testing shows that a Leisure Pools Composite Armour™ Full Vinyl Ester Resin Swimming Pool is 111% stronger than a standard fibreglass swimming pool.

Leisure Pools Fight Osmosis

Leisure Pools manufactures each composite fibreglass swimming pool using Corrosive Resistant Vinyl Ester Resin for each layer of the swimming pool construction. As a result of using Corrosive Resistant Vinyl Ester Resin for each layer of the swimming pool, Leisure Pools is able to offer a Lifetime Structural Warranty and Lifetime Structural Osmosis Warranty, making it the best available Warranty on the market today.

By way of background, standard fibreglass pools are made up of a number of layers being:

1. Gelcoat Colour Layer
2. Corrosive Resistant Vinyl Ester Resin with Fiberglass Layer
3. Structural Polyester Resin with Fiberglass Layer
4. Polyester Resin Finishing Layer

One of the key layers that has been introduced into fibreglass construction over the last 20 years has been the use of a Corrosive Resistant Vinyl Ester Layer. Vinyl Ester Resin is a high performance resin that provides improved strength properties and inhibits water penetration into the laminate, a process commonly referred to as Osmosis.

What is Osmosis? This image shows how permeating water becomes trapped under the pool surface creating blisters that can burst.

Standard fibreglass pool manufacturers only use Vinyl Ester Resin in one layer of the swimming pool as Vinyl Ester Resin is generally double the cost of a Polyester Resin, which is a cheaper resin used to provide bulk to the swimming pool. Unfortunately, even with this one layer of Vinyl Ester Resin, Osmosis has still on occasion appeared and swimming pools have failed using this standard manufacturing method. This may be because manufacturers have attempted to use as little Vinyl Ester Resin as possible.

A swimming pool is a large investment, so in order to eliminate the risk of failure, Leisure Pools does not take any short cuts and has a patent pending that will sanction Leisure Pools as the only company able to offer a composite fibreglass swimming pool with a full Vinyl Ester Resin Construction.

Why This Saves the Day for Pool Owners

If that seemed like a lot of jargon, here is the main point for pool owners: When you purchase a Leisure Pools swimming pool, you can rest assured that your swimming pool is the super hero of swimming pools. You’ll have the best warranty available, and a swimming pool with superb strength that will last a lifetime. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the process of Osmosis that commonly affects fiberglass pools.

You can start the process of pool ownership today and learn more about why our pools are the Super Pools. Contact NZ Pools Ltd on 0800 697665 or visit https://nzpools.co.nz/pools/fibreglass-pools/ and Get Swimming in Quality and Style.

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